Our very own leading Social Media expert Brenda Cuby returned triumphant from Entrepreneurs Festival, the 6 day event held at Tech City in London during November. Brenda has come back to Gibraltar brimming with new ideas to turn The Rock into the ‘Tech Bay’!
The Festival featured 200 of the most innovative tech start-ups from around the world. The first two days included intense business boot camp and mentoring sessions where invited delegates were put through their paces by business mentors who included top entrepreneurs, angels and investors. After the mentoring sessions there was an opportunity to pitch to an audience of leading experts, and the end of the week culminated with one start-up being awarded funding for their business.
Brenda reported that: “It was a fantastic week and I got the opportunity to meet with other entrepreneurs, each of whom had wonderful ideas, some in embroynic stages and some already looking for further investor funding to take to the next level.”
At the end of the week Brenda’s ‘Big Vision’, as detailed in the last edition of Social Media News, has evolved into ‘Gibraltar – Tech Bay’.
Brenda said: “With the support from the UK Trade & Industry Board and start-up incubators such as Springboard, who are all willing to work with workITgibraltar to make ‘Tech Bay’ a reality, the possibilities to bring Gibraltar to the world stage as a leading technical hub are endless. The future is exciting!