Blog: We Want To Hear From You…

A year on from the launch of the Tech City Investment Organisation, CEO Eric Van Der Kleij invites you to tell us what you think about TCIO, and what more we can do to help the community thrive…

As you know, it’s been a year since we set up the Tech City Investment Organisation to support and accelerate the growth of the tech cluster in East London. On May 4th, we’re publishing our first Impact Report, outlining what we’ve achieved in our first year. At the same time, we’re asking for suggestions about what our priorities should be in the year ahead. We’d like to hear from you about how we can help and when we should just stay out of the way.

You asked for more opportunities to connect with Angels and early-stage VCs so this year we’ll be supporting Seedcamp’s Seedsummit, taking place in the TCIO space in Hackney House on August 9th. You asked for mentoring opportunities: we’ve established monthly speed-mentoring events, as well as hosting over 2,000 mentor/entrepreneur meetings in 48h at the Entrepreneurs Festival. We’ve supported – and will continue to support – the local events scene and are proud to be sponsoring the upcoming Digital Shoreditch festival and Le Web London in June.

You’ll be able to share your suggestions via our website from May 4th until May 24th click here to be taken to the feedback form. We’re also holding a Town Hall event, hosted by Digital Sizzle at Campus on May 17th and we hope to see many of you there – you can see more details, and apply for free tickets, here on the Digital Sizzle website. We’ll then use your suggestions to help us shape our priorities and we’ll share these with you in June. Of course, you can tell us what you think anytime – by getting in touch with the team or via Twitter.

We set up TCIO to help support the entrepreneurs and companies already in Tech City and those that would like to be here. So please let us know how we can help the Tech City community to flourish. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Keep an eye on the blog and our Twitter feed for additional details on how to get involved


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One thought on “Blog: We Want To Hear From You…

  1. Asking for candid and constructive feedback periodically is always a good practice. As a Brit expat living in Austin, Texas, I gladly promote the cause of UK tech entrepreneurs whenever I have the opportunity. That said, I’d like some guidance from Eric. Specifically, what can we, my fellow Brit expats and I, do to assist you?

    I’ll be attending the upcoming Digital Shoreditch Festival, and welcome the opportunity get your suggestions at that time, in person.