Along with our partners, Innovate UK and Cambridge Wireless, we announced the seven winners of the Internet of Things (IoT) Launchpad competition in December.
The Launchpad comprises of four key elements: three rounds of applications; a Supplier Showcase event delivered by Cambridge Wireless; a set of business support activities from our corporate partners; and an Investor Day to be delivered next week.
Ahead of the Investor Day, we’re running a series of blog posts to give you an insight into each of the winners, who will be pitching their startup at the event.
OpenTRV aims to help the consumer save energy and money by allowing them to control the heating in rooms they’re not occupying by no longer using a single thermostat to heat the whole house. They’re working with Energy Deck who help buildings become more functional by using an analytics-based Internet of Things platform.
The two companies have combined their expertise to create a project to research the optimum combination of sensors to detect environmental data in bus stops and buildings. This allows them to produce a set of hardware components and sensors which software developers can utilise ‘as simply as lego bricks’.
Damon Hart-Davis, CEO of OpenTRV gave his explanation of the project:
“OpenTRV and EnergyDeck are collaborating on a project to deliver a step change for IoT software developers, with a low cost, low power, easy to use set of sensors that plug together. With test sites in buildings and bus shelters in and around Shoreditch, the project will combine the expertise of the Cambridge and London tech clusters. The sensor project will ultimately enable bus passengers to benefit from better journey information and improve the operation of the transport network. The indoor sensors will allow building managers to improve the health of their buildings and occupants, while cutting energy costs and carbon footprint.”