Champions and Ambassadors

The Tech City Investment Organisation (TCIO) is fortunate to have the highest-calibre Champions and Ambassadors, helping us create and communicate the strategy vision for Tech City.

A Tech City Champion is being appointed to each of the four main areas of focus – companies, entrepreneurs, finance and talent. The champions have been invited due to their specific in-area expertise, and will lead our thinking and vision in ensuring the success of relevant initiatives.

Kevin Eyres : Tech City Talent
Kevin Eyres, former MD of LinkedIn UK & Ireland, has been appointed Tech City Talent Champion and has launched the Tech City Mentorship programme.
Anil Hansjee : Tech City Ambassador
Anil Hansjee is Tech City’s Companies Champion. Formerly a Venture Capitalist with IDG Ventures and latterly, Head of M&A for Google EMEA, Anil is bringing start-ups, corporates and investors closer together.










Tech City Ambassadors are leading international figures in their field with a strong connection to Tech City and will represent the area in their cities and clusters around the world.

In his role, Bob Schukai, who has dual US and British citizenship, will promote Tech City, and the business and investment opportunities in the area, to the technology and investment communities in New York and the broader eastern US region.

Bob Schukai : Tech City Ambassador
Bob Schukai, global head of mobile for Thomson Reuters, is the first international Ambassador for Tech City.