Eric Van Der Kleij is the CEO of the UK Government’s Tech City Investment Organisation (www.techcityuk.com), responsible for accelerating the fastest-growing Tech cluster in Europe. Eric leads a unique team of fellow entrepreneurs, tech-sector specialists and Government professionals in developing Tech City as a magnet for technology-led investment, innovation and talent – making it one of the top three destinations in the world for technology companies, entrepreneurs and investors.
A successful technology entrepreneur himself, Eric has over 25 years’ experience, including founding and growing Adeptra, a leading fraud and collections technology business, for which he raised US$40 million in venture capital. Eric is an ‘entrepreneur-in-residence’ with the UK Government, previously acting as Chief Adviser to UKTI’s Directorate for Investment, implementing major investment projects with “exceptional global potential”.
Prior to this, he helped to establish and develop the UK Government’s Global Entrepreneur Programme (GEP, www.entrepreneurs.gov.uk), the national strategy for attracting ideas and entrepreneurs of exceptional potential to the UK. GEP is one of Europe’s most successful entrepreneurship-in-government organisations operating today.
Deputy Director for Investment, UKTI
As an inward-investment professional with over 20 years in the business Derek has worked with global companies across the whole value chain, from start-ups to the largest multinationals, and has represented both public and private-sector organisations across the world.
Following several years working with entrepreneurs and high-growth technology companies in the US, he then played a key role in the development of UKTI’s Global Entrepreneur Programme (www.entrepreneurs.gov.uk) on his return to the UK.Derek leads UKTI’s Global Technology Task Force, which oversees the Tech City initiative and aims to maintain the UK’s position as the foremost technology hub in Europe and the location of choice for technology-based entrepreneurs.
Adrian has over 20 years’ experience in helping international companies locate and expand in the UK and has had the pleasure of advising and working with numerous companies from across the globe, including many household names. Recently focused on IT and software, Adrian is now explaining the benefits of setting up in Tech City to exciting and innovative digital companies.
Prior to his involvement in foreign direct investment, Adrian held positions within the Department of Trade & Industry’s (DTI) Secretaries of State’s Private Offices.
Natalie joined the Tech City Investment Organisation in March 2011 after working with foreign investors in the creative & digital media sector for the previous three years.
Having started her career with UKTI eight years ago, Natalie specialises in attracting foreign investment from innovative, new media companies into Tech City. Previously, she spent six months based in UKTI’s Auckland office, helping UK companies break into the New Zealand market. In 2005, she moved to Mumbai for three years to head UKTI’s inward investment efforts in Western India.
Michele joined the Tech City Investment Organisation having previously worked with UKTI’s ICT and creative and media teams. Her roles have included co-ordinating a European Design exhibition “Designed for Use” which toured Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland, plus she has collaborated with UKTI colleagues to bring overseas Creative and Media companies to the UK.She has over 12 years’ experience working for UKTI, covering both investment and trade promotion.
Her roles have included co-ordinating a European design exhibition, “Designed for Use”, which toured Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland, while she has also collaborated with UKTI colleagues to bring overseas creative and media companies to the UK.
Prior to joining the Tech City team, Karen used her first-hand experience of working for foreign investors to help UKTI clients in the IT and software sector to set up in the UK.
Karen has worked for technology companies for most of her career, from start-ups to household names such as Siemens and Alcatel.Karen is passionate about the UK skills agenda and is delighted to be working on the Tech City mentoring programme.
Keith is responsible for supporting Tech City resident businesses that are looking to engage internationally. As an International Trade Adviser with UKTI London, covering the creative and media technology sectors in London, Keith has years of experience of advising both start-ups and established small to medium sized enterprises in the mechanics of scaling globally. He works closely with UKTI colleagues in the US through digital and technology missions to New York, San Francisco and SXSW. Additionally, through regular visits to China, he also acts as a bridge between UK and Chinese digital businesses.
Prior to joining UKTI in 2004, Keith spent 18 months with Business Link for London as a Business Adviser and before that, he was in the private sector working in and with start-ups.

Vice Consul/ Trade & Investment Office, British Consulate, Boston
In his role at UKTI, David advises US companies on their international expansion to the UK and provides support and advice to UK firms doing business overseas. David focuses primarily on the IT, creative and digital media sectors. He has worked with a number of high-growth businesses, venture capitalists and senior government officials to help connect the US and UK innovation economies and to promote key opportunities.
Previously, David worked exclusively on promoting international trade and investment within the healthcare sector, bolstering the substantial links between the UK and Massachusetts.
Vice Consul (Creative & Digital Media), UK Trade & Investment, British Consulate, San Francisco
Arthine’s varied career began in sales for IBM, including serving time in the US military. She was a surveillance analyst with Pacific Stock Exchange and a fund accountant with Charles Schwab before joining Yahoo as a senior producer of international and local communities.
Following her time with Yahoo, Arthine launched and grew successful online content, gaming, communication, entertainment and SAAS businesses during the boom and bust period.
Vice Consul, Information Communication Technology, UK Trade & Investment, British Consulate, New York
In her current position, Patricia’s main focus is to assist US and UK ICT companies to internationalise. She has developed an extensive UK and US industry network that has enabled her to assist over 100 companies in her four years at the British Consulate, New York.
Prior to joining UKTI, Patricia worked for the Greater Fort Lauderdale Economic Development Agency as a Research Director, assisting 31 municipalities to attract international firms. During her career, she has assisted with both international and domestic projects yielding capital investment of US$260 million and the creation of over 2,800 new jobs.
Vice Consul & US Sector Lead for Electronics and Communications, British Consulate-General, Los Angeles
Matt is responsible for delivering the Tech City initiative throughout the South West of the United States.
He retains his role in electronics and communications with UKTI in Los Angeles and co-leads an ICT sector-focused team.Before joining the British Consulate-General, Matt headed up a team responsible for regional training and development at a not-for-profit organisation based in London.

In Chris’s role as a Technology Specialist at UKTI he assists large and small technology-intensive companies based outside of the UK to establish a presence in East London.
Chris specialises in the IT, software, digital media, printing and security sectors. With over 25 years’ industry experience, he has worked in knowledge transfer, innovation, Intellectual Property assessment, engagement with early-stage companies, the VC community and developing routes to market.
Prior to joining UKTI Chris was the Director of Venture Capital and University Investments for Kodak (Europe). He has also advised other multinationals and acted as a technology scout on a consultancy basis.
For the past couple of years Tony has undertaken the role of Sector Champion for the digital content industries (including games, animation, film and TV) for UKTI. He works with overseas companies that are looking to expand into Europe and helps them better understand and enter local markets.
Tony is a veteran of the digital media industry in the UK. He has worked across many different sub sectors for the past 15 years, with clients such as the BBC, Sony and BT. He currently runs a UK-based innovation agency, as well as having a mobile production company that develops interactive entertainment products.
Carmen is a senior business development professional with more than 20 years’ experience in enterprise software solution, working with companies such as ORACLE/ Hyperion, SAP, Business Objects and Infor Solutions. As well as working in the UK, she has worked on international assignments in the Benelux region and spent six years living and working in New York.
Carmen’s particular expertise can add value to any international business proposition, from sales and marketing and strategy and planning to business development.
With 20 years’ experience of innovation and technology transfer, Ted has facilitated technology investments across the globe – including North America, Europe, Russia and South Korea.
Ted’s network in the UK covers innovative companies, universities, enabling networks and government. He has an academic background in electro-magnetics and the defence industry and is a member of the IET and the Institute of Physics.