I’ve been a member of the Bitcoin community for over three years, totally confident in the potential it brings to our society. In the early days, I thoroughly learnt the ins and outs of blockchain technology and soon after, as a hobby, I dedicated my computers to supporting the network for one hundred pounds of profit each month. With the huge spike in Bitcoin that followed, I saw an opportunity to further apply the skills I had acquired. I started my business following a £50,000 investment in mid-2017, renting out a small office space to relocate the operation. With these funds, I designed and built computer systems which connect to the blockchain to process transactions for which I collect a small fee; these quickly add up and will allow me to return my investment within a year.
My experience last summer was a particularly inspiring one. A long summer holiday in California was ahead of me, and I was determined to somehow visit the Apple headquarters at 1 Infinite Loop. So, I sent a friendly email to various executives and employees working there, and to my surprise, I was invited to lunch at the campus café with a skilled engineer! (I was also particularly delighted to receive a response from Chief Design Officer Jony Ive.) Being surrounded by the talented people there and taking in the atmosphere was a very motivating and eye-opening experience, and I am super happy that things worked out the way they did.
I developed my skills through online interaction; reading both amateur write-ups and official documentation, joining internet forums, watching video guides, or getting in touch with experts through social media. I believe students should be further encouraged by their teachers and parents to read and research what matters to them online to further develop their interests: it’s crucial to keep yourself up to date with the latest news and breakthroughs in your fields of interest so that every business opportunity can be taken!