Please tell us a bit about Mayden Academy.
Mayden Academy is an immersive 16 week program designed to kickstart your career in software development. You might be a beginner who has recently started coding, a college leaver from a computing science subject looking to get some practical experience, a graduate from a non-computing science subject, or a professional seeking a career change. No previous experience is required and the course teaches everything you need to land your first job as a junior software developer. It is delivered by developers working in the industry, and we are extremely proud that every one of our graduates has been hired within 90 days of completing the course.
How has Mayden Academy solved the talent problem you were experiencing?
Mayden Academy was created in 2015 to solve the developer shortage that Mayden – our parent company – was experiencing. Like many tech companies across the UK, Mayden found that there was more developer positions than suitable candidates in the region. Rather than poach developers from other companies, we opted to grow our own. The academy has subsequently solved the recruitment problem not only at Mayden but for other companies in the region as well, delivering two cohorts of graduates a year into the industry – in June and December.
We often hear that startups can’t find good technical talent. Do you think the talent isn’t there, or that people don’t know where to find it?
The potential is there, and so is the drive. We choose our potential academy students based on aptitude and attitude, and never find it hard to meet eager, intelligent people that want to be part of the industry. Our job is to train these individuals with industry relevant knowledge and skills, and to help them to hone their technical talent.
What advice would you give fast growing start-ups on how to solve their talent supply problems?
Get in touch and become a Mayden Academy hiring partner. We’re offering employers the chance to get to know our students before they graduate – so you can get access to the best new developers before they even enter the job market.