

Emma Jarvis

Last Updated: 10, September 2024


  Number of Digital Jobs
  Digital GVA
  High Growth Firms
  Startup Births
  Average Advertised Digital Salary
  Tech Sector Growth Potential

What’s there

With two universities producing high quality graduates, a strong digital tech community, low cost of living and desirable property prices, Belfast is an increasingly attractive place to start – and grow – a digital tech company.

Once famed for aerospace and shipbuilding, the city now has the highest density of fibre in Europe. Its connectivity goes beyond broadband. Good air and rail connections link it to Dublin, London and further afield.

Invest NI offers support to early stage startups while access to finance is improving through the work of local angel network HALO and funds such as techstartNI and the Invest Growth Fund.

What’s new

Kainos is working with the Land Registry to build its LLC Register, consolidating local authority registers into a single, digital register. Catalyst Inc, (formerly the Northern Ireland Science Park), unveiled its 10 year plan to develop one million square feet of office space and to create 5,000 jobs.

What’s up next

One of Europe’s biggest cyber security conferences, OWASP’s AppSec EU, comes to Belfast in May in recognition of the city’s status as a leading cluster in cyber security.

Many more cyber security multinationals are likely to move to Belfast. They will be joining the likes of Alert Logic and Black Duck Software, which have both expanded operations in the city in 2016.

New co-working spaces are opening up to support Belfast’s success. Ormeau Baths is set to open soon, and new sites are opening at the Forthriver Business Park – a major redevelopment programme built on the site of the old Mackie’s engineering plant.

  • Simon Rea

    Head of Product, B-Secur

    What we do

    B-Secur is the next generation in biometric authentication – securing devices, apps and data with ECG technology. We use a person’s unique heartbeat electrical wave to authenticate them against a stored profile.

    Why Belfast?

    Belfast is a cybersecurity hub within the UK. The partnership we have developed with the Centre for Secure Information Technologies at Queen’s University has been hugely significant. We have been able to work alongside some of the brightest minds in the UK as we develop our pioneering technology.

  • Gawain Morrison

    CEO and Co-Founder, Sensum

    What we do

    Sensum is an emotional insights and AI company. At our core is a platform for capturing and analysing data from people and the world around them, in real time, to derive emotional insights. Ultimately all of our work helps brands to understand their audience better and create exciting and engaging content, products, and experiences.

    Why Belfast?

    Being Belfast based has enabled us to evolve as a company that looks ‘into the bubble’ objectively, rather than be caught up in it. This has allowed us to build a distinctive brand so we stand out from more corporate organisations in the marketplace. At our heart we’re a company of creative adventurers and we’re incredibly proud of our roots!

Economic stats

9,058 Number of Digital Jobs Number of digital jobs – An estimation of employment in the digital tech industries and the digital tech economy. The APS has allowed us to capture digital embeddedness, that is digital experts working in non-digital industries. It also coves freelancers and self-employed workers. (Source: ONS Annual Population Survey)

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0.49 Digital Concentration Digital concentration / Location quotient (LQ) – Indicates the geographic concentration of digital business turnover relative to the UK. A value of one indicates average digital concentration, while a value of greater than one indicates a higher concentration. (Source: BSD)

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£531 million Digital GVA GVA (Gross Value Added) – Average digital GVA between 2013-2015. GVA measures the contribution of each economic unit by estimating the value of an output (goods or services) less the value of inputs used in that output’s production process. (Source: ABS/BSD) .

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17.50% High Growth Firms High growth businesses – Proportion of digital tech businesses classified as high growth. Refers to businesses with 10 or more employees that are in the top 10% of all companies in terms of growth. (Source BSD, 2015).

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128 Startup Births Startup births – Average number of startup births 2011 – 2015 (Source: BSD)

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£37,785 Average Advertised Digital Salary Average Advertised Digital Salary – Digital tech economy average salary (2016) in each cluster (source: Burning Glass)

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Standard of living

7.83 Life Satisfaction Life satisfaction – Life satisfaction (10 pt scale, ONS data)

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£148,125 Average House Price Average House Price – Semi Detached Average House Price (Land Registry, Dec 2016)

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3.9 Housing Affordability Ratio Housing affordability ratio – House price to salary ratio

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Cost of doing business

19 Commercial Rent Per Annum (£ sq/ft) Commercial Rent Per Annum (£ sq/ft) – Prime office rents (JLL< 2016)

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7 Vacancy Rates Office vacancy rate – (Source JLL, 2016) Quoted figures are percentage of vacant office floorspace across all grades

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What local startups say is good

67% Overall Quality of Life
61% Tech Sector Growth Potential
58% Cost of Living

What local startups say is a challenge

42% Lack of Supply of Highly Skilled Workers
38% Limited Opportunities to Access Finance
34% Low Level Awareness of a Local Digital Industry
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