

Emma Jarvis

Last Updated: 11, September 2024


14,467 Number of Digital Jobs
£0 million Digital GVA
0% High Growth Firms
0 Startup Births
0 Average Advertised Digital Salary
0% Tech Sector Growth Potential

What’s there

Leicester, the city where tourism was invented, is now buzzing with digital tech innovation too.

The city’s Cultural Quarter, home to its historic textiles industry, is being transformed into a hub for creative and digital tech startups. Here you will find workspaces such as LCB Depot and Phoenix Workspace, while beyond the city centre, the Dock acts as a hub for more than 50 high-tech businesses.

The University of Leicester boasts an award-winning data centre, a high performance computing research lab and offers support for spinout companies. De Montfort University’s Innovation Centre is also central to Leicester’s digital tech scene. Home to a range of tech and retail startups, it hosts support services, seminars and events as well as its startup society, established in 2015.

Meanwhile, Leicester Tech Startups supports the digital tech community beyond the universities. A group created by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, it signposts the various lectures, hackathons and meetups going on in the area.

What’s new

The largest ever Leicester Startup Weekend was held in February, including a hackathon, workshops and a series of talks.

What’s up next

A promising initiative which aims to establish a city centre co-working space with collaboration from Leicester City Council, University of Leicester and De Montfort University.

What’s more, plans have been announced for a new enterprise zone covering three key industrial sites in Leicester and Loughborough. The Leicester Waterside site will build on the city’s reputation for space science. The enterprise zone aims to create 21,000 jobs and generate £123 million over the next 25 years.

  • Simon Cleaver

    CEO & Founder, CloudCall

    What we do

    CloudCall is a global provider of cloud-based communications. Its passion is to create integrated communications software that empowers users to engage and interact intuitively with their customers.

    Why Leicester?

    Being in Leicester provides CloudCall with the right environment to thrive. It gives us access to incredibly talented people who have enabled us to build and offer a world-class product and service.

  • Sophie Hainsworth and Jason Nesbitt

    Co-founders, LoyalFree

    What we do

    LoyalFree is a mobile phone app loyalty scheme which is used to collect rewards at local independent businesses. This allows businesses gain from customer analytics and brand exposure.

    Why Leicester?

    Building the business in our home town of Leicester has given us access to many great startup initiatives at the universities and through other institutions in the city.

Economic stats

23,173 Number of Digital Jobs Number of digital jobs – An estimation of employment in the digital tech industries and the digital tech economy. The APS has allowed us to capture digital embeddedness, that is digital experts working in non-digital industries. It also coves freelancers and self-employed workers. (Source: ONS Annual Population Survey)

0.39 Digital Concentration Digital concentration / Location quotient (LQ) – Indicates the geographic concentration of digital business turnover relative to the UK. A value of one indicates average digital concentration, while a value of greater than one indicates a higher concentration. (Source: BSD)

£437 million Digital GVA GVA (Gross Value Added) – Average digital GVA between 2013-2015. GVA measures the contribution of each economic unit by estimating the value of an output (goods or services) less the value of inputs used in that output’s production process. (Source: ABS/BSD) .

12% High Growth Firms High growth businesses – Proportion of digital tech businesses classified as high growth. Refers to businesses with 10 or more employees that are in the top 10% of all companies in terms of growth. (Source BSD, 2015).

244 Startup Births Startup births – Average number of startup births 2011 – 2015 (Source: BSD)

40,131 Average Advertised Digital Salary Average Advertised Digital Salary – Digital tech economy average salary (2016) in each cluster (source: Burning Glass)

Standard of living

7.43 Life Satisfaction Life satisfaction – Life satisfaction (10 pt scale, ONS data)

£169,079 Average House Price Average House Price – Semi Detached Average House Price (Land Registry, Dec 2016)

4.2 Housing Affordability Ratio Housing affordability ratio – House price to salary ratio

Cost of doing business

15.5 Commercial Rent Per Annum (£ sq/ft) Commercial Rent Per Annum (£ sq/ft) – Prime office rents (JLL< 2016)

What local startups say is good

88% Overall Quality of Life
75% Cost of Living
56% Transport Infrastructure

What local startups say is a challenge

40% Lack of Supply of Highly Skilled Workers
40% Limited Opportunities to Access Finance
26% Limited Supply of Appropriate Property on Competitive Terms
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