

Emma Jarvis

Last Updated: 11, September 2024


  Number of Digital Jobs
  Digital GVA
  Startup Births
  Average Advertised Digital Salary
  Digital Concentration
  Tech Sector Growth Potential

Notable Universities

Notable Companies

Notable Workspaces

Notable Meetups

What’s there

This historic textiles centre now has a fast-growing digital tech economy. Two leading universities and a steady supply of graduates have attracted and created digital tech businesses such as Rainbird AI, Validus-IVC and Epos Now.

Startups are nurtured by meet-up groups including SyncNorwich and Hot Source, as well as StartUp Norfolk and local events such as the Sync The City startup weekend. There is a strong trend of founders ‘giving back’ to the community. The Norfolk Developers meet-up group, for example, was set up by the founder of Naked Element.

What’s new

2016 saw the launch of a number of events, including the #DigitalCity trail and MyTech, which are aimed at inspiring young people and were able to bring businesses and students together to network. Meanwhile, the Norfolk Developers’ Conference included a ‘schools day’ to promote digital tech skills.

Barclays opened an Eagle Lab, while Norwich University of the Arts launched its new incubation hub the Ideas Factory, and TechEast opened its embassy in London. The annual Norwich Gaming Festival continues to attract enthusiastic crowds, with more than 30,000 visitors in 2016.

What’s up next

A proposed Tech Corridor along the A11 linking Norwich and Cambridge could bring thousands of jobs and more than £500 million in investment. The New Anglia LEP has established Enterprise Zones across the region to nurture growth, while plans for redevelopment in the Shoe Quarter are under way to create a live/work community.

What’s more, the £81 million Quadram Institute is due to open in 2018 at the Norwich Research Park. The institute will be at the forefront of research into food and health.

  • Neil Garner

    Co-Founder & CEO, Thyngs

    What we do

    Thyngs enables anyone to make any everyday object easily interactive through a smartphone. We started with the charity sector, upgrading charity tins, ID badges and event stands to enable quick and easy digital donations and gift aid collection.

    Why Norwich?

    Norwich offers great connections with Cambridge and London, plus access to talent from local universities. Being based in the WhiteSpace/Barclays Eagle Lab tech hub
    helps us to engage with the local community and provides on-site access to 3D printers
    and Makerspace.

  • Dean Withey

    CEO & Founder, ubisend

    What we do

    ubisend is a technology company that creates AI-driven chatbots to help brands to communicate with their audience on a personal level, at scale. Our job is to give brands a digital voice.

    Why Norwich?

    Norwich is becoming a thriving digital tech hub. We have built connections with local organisations, including the universities and other businesses, to find talent and grow support for ubisend.

Economic stats

7,589 Number of Digital Jobs Number of digital jobs – An estimation of employment in the digital tech industries and the digital tech economy. The APS has allowed us to capture digital embeddedness, that is digital experts working in non-digital industries. It also coves freelancers and self-employed workers. (Source: ONS Annual Population Survey)

0.34 Digital Concentration Digital concentration / Location quotient (LQ) – Indicates the geographic concentration of digital business turnover relative to the UK. A value of one indicates average digital concentration, while a value of greater than one indicates a higher concentration. (Source: BSD)

£165 million Digital GVA GVA (Gross Value Added) – Average digital GVA between 2013-2015. GVA measures the contribution of each economic unit by estimating the value of an output (goods or services) less the value of inputs used in that output’s production process. (Source: ABS/BSD) .

111 Startup Births Startup births – Average number of startup births 2011 – 2015 (Source: BSD)

27% Turnover Growth
40,101 Average Advertised Digital Salary Average Advertised Digital Salary – Digital tech economy average salary (2016) in each cluster (source: Burning Glass)

Standard of living

7.69 Life Satisfaction Life satisfaction – Life satisfaction (10 pt scale, ONS data)

£223,337 Average House Price Average House Price – Semi Detached Average House Price (Land Registry, Dec 2016)

5.6 Housing Affordability Ratio Housing affordability ratio – House price to salary ratio

Cost of doing business

17 Commercial Rent Per Annum (£ sq/ft) Commercial Rent Per Annum (£ sq/ft) – Prime office rents (JLL< 2016)

What local startups say is good

97% Overall Quality of Life
81% Tech Sector Growth Potential
73% Cost of Living

What local startups say is a challenge

53% Lack of Supply of Highly Skilled Workers
48% Poor Transport Infrastructure
42% Poor Digital Infrastructure
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